The life of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
was born at Strateford –on –Avon
in England. He received a quite basic
education. But he never admitted any
college . Shakespeare married at
eighteen to a woman of twenty-on. When he had three children before reaching
twenty one age. After a few years he went to London, there
he became an actor and playwright .At
this time he was thirty and he had become prosperous before his reaching thirty
four years old. During the next ten
years he composed his greatest
From this we can say that he was a person who married an youngest woman its very simple
that he maintain a family which was not naturally under anybody, This was the
simple ideas of the topics.
Now a days many more
people getting married with his youngest lady . William Shakespeare was the
person who an actor and playwright. Here thus he spend his life.His life has no happy moments. He always spends his time continuing his job.Most congratulation on his conduct.For his good job and best industrious he is remembered every time. people follow them in every sector.
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